We decided on using final cut pro x to edit our video, because it is a software I am familiar with and have used before. I started editing in IMovie, so the transition to final cut was seamless. I tried using DaVinci, but I did not like it. Since final cut is $300, I was going to edit in my cousin's apartment in Miami because he has the program, however he was extremely busy, and the days I could go he couldn't be there to open his apartment. So I tried to download the final cut free trial apple offers, but my software was too old and my computer had no storage. So after a 2 hour phone call with apple support, I finally was able to download Mojave, the new software, so that the I could download final cut. But then I had no storage, so I had to delete all my old footage of past projects, pictures, documents, etc. and then...... FINALLY I had final cut.

I edited in my breaks as a ball person in Miami Open, and I'm proud to say I like were the film is going. However, like I mentioned before the ending was a struggle, so I ended up using the backup footage and creating a flashback in his point of view. I like it but it doesnt convince me, it needs more. It is still missing the title , which we still haven't decided on, the podcast, the poem, the credits, and the subtitles. So we have a long way to go. My partner is writing the script for the podcast and recording it, and I really like Tulipan sin agua for the title. But we will see.