We got him!!! I have my actor set, for sure, definite. He is my actress's friend and I think he'll do a great job. He doesn't have any shirt like the one I'm looking for so we have to go shopping.
We also called the Miami Dade transit and they said we can record at the Bayfront park station, as long as we stayed off the tracks. So we will be heading there Sunday, and not the Hollywood one.
AND we got permission from Farmacos to use Siempre Tu in our video!! I was so nervous they weren't going to answer, and I was going to have to change my whole idea, but after multiple attempts, and dms, and comments, they did!!!
Translation: Hellooo thank you for writing to us and for the kind words :) if its for school its okay. I believe there wouldn't be a problem. Let me know how it goes :) hugs. Diego.
Everything is coming together, I'm so excited for Sunday!
So Friday, I went thrift shopping with my actress. We were going to go to Plato's closet, becuase there you cane exchange old clothes for new ones, but it was too far and it was closing soon, so we decided to go to the Goodwill that is like 15 minutes away. First we head on to look for long skirts, and had this outfit planned out. However, it was too monotone, and she didn't feel comfortable in the skirt. So we discarded the idea of the skirts and moved on to dresses! We found some options, but nothing convinced us. Then we found the perfect dress in a hidden rack! You'll see it in the vid, its a surprise! We also need LOTS of accessories so she looks like a gypsy kind off.
Then we looked for a dress shirt for the guy. I didn't want anything to basic. We found the PERFECT shirt, and it wast 50% off! It looked vintage and modern and fancy. We also got for 1$ each, a vase thing for the coins, a book, and a little buddha. It was overall succesful and we were set for sunday. st! to see the final outfits.
In our story, it plays a key part, to understand the characters better.
We were debating wether to start the establishing shot with city noises like this:
or with the song like this:
Also we don't know if we were debating wether to put the voice over in the establishing shot or when the guy is walking.
So we decided on starting the opening scene with the establishing shot of city noises and the credits and the poem starts half way through and goes into when we first see the guy as he is walking to the train station listening to a podcast on business (to introduce his interests), and you can listen to the city sounds as he walks (like what Cuaron decribes in Roma) and then he hears music faintly and is curious so he removes his headphones and the music grows louder as he approaches the girl, and then the music is the only sound, until it stops when the girl is about to fall and you can hear a train passing.
We have to figure out how to edit the sound to what we want, so that it has that powerful effect, because like Cuaron describes, it is as important as the image. We will be using Final Cut Pro, which i've used before. I started editing with IMovie, so transitioning to FCP was easy, I'm still figuring out, and since my computer can't support the program I have to edit in a friends PC, hopefully that works out. He is more savvy with sound mixing and editing so I'll ask for some advice.
McKenna, Zachary, director. Establishing Shot of the City. YouTube, YouTube, 5 May 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-6wPlahzSg.
Hipes, Patrick. “For 'Roma', The Sounds Are As Important To Alfonso Cuarón As The Images – Watch The Featurette.” Deadline, Deadline, 2 Jan. 2019, deadline.com/2019/01/roma-sound-design-alfonso-cuaron-memories-featurette-netflix-1202528025/.
X2, director.Beautiful Establishing Shots Compilation in Movies [HD] by X2Beautiful Establishing Shots Compilation in Movies [HD] by X2.YouTube, YouTube, 15 Jan. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axt0nETgEXo&t=11s.