IT has started! In class we worked in a marketing campaign over the last two months. We could choose between the Census campaign for the City of Weston, or Wonder Paws, a local pet rescue. My group chose Wonder Paws, since we thought it went better with our styles, and had more room for improvement, and new ideas.
We focused on the fundraising aspect of the rescue. We researched two case studies: Paws4you, and ASPCA. In our research we found that these rescues relied quite heavily on social media, and community involvement, so we decided to follow the same route. For our target audience, we found it best to be millennials with an affluent income. This millennials are very prominent in places such as Miami, or Weston, as many are either stable enough economically to start a family, or have no interest in starting a family but count with well paying jobs in the city. Moreover, this generation is very community driven and likes giving back. Looking back, I believe a more centered target audience for us would have been young millennial parents living in the suburbs, since this would be more likely to have the income to donate.
For our social media campaign, we based our posts on Adobe's Behance 2020 Trends. We specifically focused on the use of motion graphics, digital posters, and animations.
We believed this was going to be the most effective way to reach our target audience in the platform of Instagram, and allowing for the Instagram page of the rescue to grow exponentially. Additionally, our newsletter would imbed this features as well, and include a connection button to our page, with monthly videos of a pet that either was sponsored successfully or need sponsorship. Our goal is to try to have our target audience donate a set monthly fee, or sponsor a pet throughout their whole process.

With our slogan:" Small paws, big steps," we tried to ingrain in our audiences mind that all collaborations help, and together we can reach a greater goal. Our logo and color palette follows the simplistic but eye catching techniques our target audience tends to be the most drawn to. We wanted to use primary colors, but in a faded tone, to stay within the aesthetically pleasing range.
We created a longer video, where we interviewed a volunteer who has been fostering Bruno, a dog at the rescue. The day of it was very windy, and the subject was kind of distracted. In retrospect, the filmer should have maybe tried to find a less windy spot and try to get the interviewers attention for at least a few questions. In the editing process we could have also attempted to fix this minor issues. Consequently, making the video shorter, could help make it more effective and users less likely to skip it.
This project was incredible helpful by helping us see how working with a real client is. Moreover, it was good to see how working with a group can affect a long term project, and to learn to work in that dynamic. In addition, researching new trends, target audiences, color palettes, etc. are all things we have to also cover in our big portfolio project, so doing it now was extremely helpful, to get our feet wet, and also to see the mistakes we made and how to fix them. Moreover, getting the feedback from not only our peers, but our clients and the marketing researchers, will give us a bigger perspective on how what we are creating translates to others. Especially how our vision comes to life and the reactions of the beholder.
I am excited to see how we can apply this techniques that we learned in our project!