"Dog gives birth to green puppy named Hulk"

AN inspiring random moment. I have been thinking about the impact media has on us. What we think, who we are, what we do. We recently researched and studied collective identity in class. I did a case study on the collective identity of drug addicts, specifically opium users. It is astounding to see how the way media portrays a certain group, how it represents it, can mediate how an entire group is seen.
We also did case studies on different postmodernist theorist, and how they interpret the era. To think that the media does not completely control society is naive. Yes, it is an interchangeable relationship. Society is reflected in media, represented, and media shapes what society thinks. The chicken or the egg dilemma. After studying all the ways media dictates what we think and do, I thought it was curious to see a title for an article like "Dog gives birth to green puppy named Hulk". I, like probably many others, clicked on it because that's what the click bait's for right? Anyway the story was predictably not true and mediocre. The dog was literally green because of poop.
This made me realize I don't want that for my short film. But all of these research has also shown me that even when you think your'e innovative and unique, it can always be tied back to something that has been made before, because hello ~pastiche~ and how can we be unique? The amount of over saturation present today is so incredible, that we have been exposed to so much, we have access to so much. How can my art not be mediocre? How can I make it stand out? How can it be more than a dog filled with poop named Hulk? But I was seeing everything from the wrong angle. It is simple feel good, cute stories like the puppy Hulk that people consume the most. In a world filled with bad news, sometimes it is necessary to reach that escape, that feel good, nonsensical cute story. It doesn't have to be a super complex story for it to be good. Not that the puppy story was any kind of life changing, but it made me appreciate the little stories. It weirdly inspired me. 
This class has changed me so much. I feel like I've grown as an artist incredibly. My peers are so talented, and they inspire me every day. We love wholesome creative friendships. I'm so excited for this project. It is going to be the first time I have no safety net. I'll be doing everything entirely by myself. It feels so big. Kind of unattainable. But I'm determined to do the best I can. Give it my all.

It's funny how I've had so many ideas this year, I even storyboarded some, but now that i actually need one I don't like any. But, I decided I want to focus in a simple little story for the short film. I am interested in a day to day life event, seen in an extremely detailed way. I don't know if that makes sense I'm still developing it.  Tomorrow I'm going to Artechouse, and a comic book store, and a record store. I'm going to take my camera, and shooting a little. Hopefully, I get inspired.



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